Daily Archives: May 25, 2013

Project 354: #143: Oil Painting.


At 20″ x 16″, this is a rather larger canvas than the last one I posted about. But like the other one, I link it to a study of the traditional elements. I started it when I was focused on the wisdom of Earth in my OBOD lessons. It was ribbons of browns and yellows and greens, with hints of red. It was a very soothing picture of the colors of Earth.

When I moved on to study Water, I felt inspired to add the ribbons of blue, and realized that this painting was not just about Earth, but about combining the lessons from each element as I moved through them. And what better expression of Bardic wisdom than as artwork of some nature?

Recently, though I finished the lessons of Air a couple months ago and have since begun working with Fire, I finally added the ribbons of white that I knew needed to be there. I’m not sure if more ribbons will be added when I’m done with the Fire lessons, or if this canvas is for the Celtic elements of Earth, Sea, and Sky, through which Fire transforms each to each other. We shall see…

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