Monthly Archives: September 2013

Fourth Week of September.

The first part of this week’s photos are themed: various art created by my family that’s hanging around the house. And I missed Thursday’s photo because I was having oral surgery that day. I’m still recovering, and there are a couple complications to deal with, but I wanted to get this post up anyway. If anything is in error, blame it on my medication…




#265: Mum’s Watercolor.

Mum doesn’t paint very often, but when she does it always turns out dreamy and colorful and beautiful!




#266: Brother’s Watercolor.

My brother has always been my idol when it comes to creating art. His talents can shape any medium to his vision. I remember watching him paint when I was a little kid, using a photo as reference.




#267: Sunburst in Oils.

I, on the other hand, tend to go for abstract, and stick to oil when painting. This is something I did last year.




#268: Bonfire in Oils.

This is from the year before. It was inspired by thinking about the huge Winter Solstice bonfires my family always had back in North Idaho.



[There will be no photo #269, as this was the day of my surgery.]




#270: Art Corner.

The oil paintings I’ve done over the last year. When Mum re-arranged the back room during my Seattle Trip, it created this lovely nook for books and displays.




#271: Homeland, by Cory Doctorow.

Being stuck in bed post-op meant plenty of time to finish my newest book from the library: Homeland, sequel to Little Brother by the same author. Both were excellent reads, very interesting and believable commentaries in fiction form about the United States today, often using true events or creating fictionalized versions of true events.

I read Little Brother first, and enjoyed it. There were a few moments where I was frustrated by choices or believes which the narrator made, but felt those actually made the book stronger, because they were all keeping in with the character of a teenage boy. The other interesting thing about the story was to keep in mind when it was written (about four years ago, I believe) and remember how much has changed since then. The ending wrapped things up a little quickly and neatly for me, which made knowing there was a sequel even better.

Homeland was published just this February, making the events in it that much more immediate and real. It was an excellent follow-up, beginning the story a couple years into the future of the same characters. It showed the fall-out of events, and brought new challenges. The changes in the characters’ personalities and reactions, their growth and set-backs since the last book, all felt real and well thought out, making them even more real. The twists and turns, the challenges and action and motivations, the interactions and reactions, all kept me very engaged with both the plot and the characters. And the ending felt less ‘neat’ that the first one, more of the mess and mystery a real-life ending contains.

Something I loved about both books is the way that Cory Doctorow weaves narration out of both story and exposition equally, creating something both educational, accessible, and still fast-paced. This books make a great introduction to technology, cryptology, practical paranoia, and hacking — both computers and life — and each have excellent afterwords with further reading, websites, and other resources.




#272: Meds.

Two types of painkillers and an antibiotic, a small sampling of my post-op life.

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Project 365: Third Week of September.


#258: Bruised Toe.

One of the hazards of working at a Recycle Redemption Center is the possibility of, say, a garbage can full of glass bottles slamming into your foot. I’m actually not sure how I got this bruise, but it seems likely it’s from something along those lines. It’s actually about a week old in this photo, and faded enough to be visible (an odd statement, but when it was more black — rather than reddish-purple — it was much harder to tell what it was).

Mum says I need to invest in steel-toed work boots.




#259: Chair/planter.

I love this re-purposing of an old wooden chair into an orchid planter! The result is really pretty, interesting, and unique — not to mention the appeal of clever reuse, which is always one of my favorite fashions.




#260: Buddha in the Garden.

Another feature in the gorgeous landscaping at the place I’m house-sitting. The white flowers back-dropped on lush greens of jungle really add to the serene feel, and the simple-but-complex foreground of black lava rock really sets the whole thing off nicely.




#261: El Gato.

Fluffy kitty lounging near the sun. Is there anything that looks more inviting, lazy, and comfortable?




#262: Tiki.

Easter Island statue shaped tiki torch holder. Obviously, that had to be documented and shared.




#263: Stalking Kitty.

I rarely use my camera’s flash, but the effect when El Gato is stalking past me at night was cool enough I decided to post it.




#264: Centerpiece.

The very attractive and practice centerpiece of the table on the screened porch where I was house-sitting.

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Project 365: Second Week of September.

I’m late getting this post up, due to sudden and serious pain around my wisdom teeth, into my jaw and ear, for the past almost-two-weeks. I’m currently on pain medication and antibiotics while I wait for oral surgery next week to get all four wisdom teeth extracted.

It’s been rough, but things are getting taken care of finally.

And now, on to the photos!


#251: The House.

The back of the house where I’m staying with the kitty, in fact.

This is also the original screened porch which gave Mum and Dad the idea to build theirs.



#252: Kitty!

This is the kitty I’m taking care of for two weeks.

He’s indoor/outdoor, shy and demanding, adores-to-the-point-of-drool getting his chin scratched or brushed or rubbed, and totally fun to hang out with. As with all pets I sit, a new nickname for him popped into my head shortly upon meeting alone, and stuck.

His: El Gato.



#253: Self Portrait.

Using the medium of shadows!



#254: Garden.

One of the many beautiful features in the stunning landscaping at the house.



#255: Hiding.

El Gato has many hiding places through the house and yard. The most adorable is when he crawls between the comforter and the blanket on his “people’s” bed.

I couldn’t resist sneaking a photo of him there.



#256: Screened Porch.

The porch from the inside.

This is also where I do one of my out-call massage days, as the one of the owners of the house is a regular client and hosts massages for her friends and neighbors. It’s a gorgeous and relaxing setting; absolutely perfect with little breezes coming through, no bugs (thanks to the screen), the sounds of wind and tropical birds in the beautiful surrounding landscape…



#257: Hanging Out.

When I get home from work, El Gato tends want a little extra attention to make up for being locked up inside all day (instead of the usual of getting to go in and out as he pleases).

I don’t mind a bit, because “fur-therapy” is an excellent end to a long day!

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Filed under Project 365

Project 365: First Week of September.

Due to having recently acquired gainful employment (yay), and several other circumstances this month, I don’t have as much time and energy for this blog. However, I’m still going to try and finish out the year of photos.

In order to accomplish this, I’m altering my usual format of one to three pictures per update, and will also be writing less to accompany each photo.

Hopefully it will only be for this month, and I can switch back to the old format in October. But for now, I’ll be posting a week’s worth of photos at a time, with maybe a sentence or two for each.

To begin…



#244: Flowers for a Friend.

Mum gathered these from around the farm, to cast into the ocean in local tradition at the memorial of a dear friend.



#245: Backyard.

Dad gathering greens for the pigs in the morning.



#246: Sunrise on the Farm.

Getting up early for my first day at the new job.



#247: Mauna Kea Sunrise.

Second early morning for the new job, seeing Mauna Kea through the screen of the porch during a cloudless sunrise. In the foreground is hanging some ripening bananas from the Farm.



#248: Breakfast?

Leftover coconut flour birthday cake from my Dad’s birthday… It’s actually perfectly healthy (apart from the frosting) and full of protein!



#249: Hanging Laundry.

While we have renters staying in the vacation rental side of the house, we share the laundry facilities, and they get the clotheslines. Which just means we have to string one up across our screen porch as needed! Also note: There is a second bunch of bananas now hanging from the first bunch.



#250: Packed Up. Again.

This time it is for a house- and cat-sitting job for the next two weeks (part of why my time is limited this month). As you can see, I take only the essentials: electronics, bath bag, clothes, and a new book from the library (recommended by Neil Gaiman, no less!).


That’s all for now. Please check back next week or sign up to follow by email to see pictures of the kitty and of where I’m staying!

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Filed under Project 365

Project 365, #244: Box ‘O Pineapple Tops.


Every time we harvest and cut up one of our pineapples, we save the top and set it aside in this box on the screened porch. Eventually, they get planted and the new pineapples take root, flower, and produce delicious fruit for our enjoyment!

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Project 365, #243: Juiced Cane.


I’ve posted photos several times before of Dad juicing the cane, but I don’t think I’ve show what the stalks look like post-juicing. These have all been through the wringer, as it were, and are on their way to the pigs to be a tasty treat and eventual bedding.

Resting on top of the bucket is Dad’s cane knife.

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Project 365, #242: Chicken!


Hanging out with the newest flock…

They’re getting so big! It’s almost hard to believe they’re only a couple months old. I’ve been taken care of them for the two weeks Mum’s been on vacation, and they’ve been getting more and more use to me spending time with them and touching them. Quite a few will be calm now when I pick them up and pet them, which is quite fun.

This one was perched on my knee while I knelt down to take pictures.

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