Project 365, #189: Mum’s Book!


My Mum is now officially a published author!

I couldn’t be more excited and pleased for her — I know all the hard work and love she put into this book. It turned out beautifully.

The text is clear and conversational, yet full of information. The photos turned out great, if I do say so myself (I took many of them, so some bias may be in that opinion…). The whole result is highly interesting and accessible.

If you’ve ever been curious about the Koren Natural Farming Method I keep bringing up here — BUY THIS BOOK! It’s a perfect introduction to something everyone should be talking about.

And for the record, while being the author’s daughter leads to a certain amount of shared excitement, it has absolutely nothing to do with this recommendation. My family advocates the Natural Farming Methods because it’s something we see the results of every day on our farm, and it’s amazing. I want people to know about it, and this happens to be a great resource to introduce you to the ideas and practices that we’re using on our farm.

Here’s the back cover:


Doesn’t that sound intriguing? Don’t you want to read it now?

It will be available on, but they take a huge cut of the price so the author receives very little of that money. Show support for my Mum, for our farm, for Natural Farming, and for more interesting books on fascinating subjects to be written in the future, with buying it directly. It will be $13.95 (plus s&h), and the website for ordering is coming soon. I’ll post a link here on my blog when it happens.

Keep an eye out for further developments!


Filed under Project 365

4 responses to “Project 365, #189: Mum’s Book!

  1. I already told your mom to save me a copy…Can’t wait!

  2. I found my way over here via Sonia. I’m very interested in this book – I’ll try to remember to come back for ordering info.

  3. Pingback: Buy the Farm Book! | In Which I Experiment with Blogging.

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